Cross-boundary Travel Survey 2017


The Planning Department has been conducting the Cross-boundary Travel Survey since 1999 to collect statistical information on the characteristics of cross-boundary trips and trip makers on a regular basis.  The latest Cross-boundary Travel Survey was conducted between 16 November and 29 November 2017.


The publication entitled Northbound Southbound 2017 presents the findings of the Cross-boundary Travel Survey 2017, whilst the statistical tables contain detailed statistics of the 2017 and previous Cross-boundary Travel Surveys.


Northbound Southbound 2017


Statistical Tables (in Excel format)

¡P       Table 1: Cross-boundary Passenger Trips by Trip End

¡P       Tables 3A: Cross-boundary Passenger Trips between Hong Kong and the Mainland

¡P       Tables 3B: Frequent Cross-boundary Trip Makers between Hong Kong and the Mainland

¡P       Tables 4: Cross-boundary Passenger Trips between Hong Kong and Macao

¡P       Tables 5: Cross-boundary Vehicle Trips



For enquiries about the Cross-boundary Travel Surveys, please contact the Cross-boundary Infrastructure and Development Section, Planning Department.

Address: 16th Floor, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2231 4708
Fax: (852) 2868 4497