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About Hong Kong 2030+


Strategic planning in Hong Kong has made its long way since 1948 when the Abercrombie Report was produced in response to the development needs of the post–war period. From 1970s, a comprehensive review on the territorial development strategy has been taken forward once every decade to embrace new needs and aspirations, respond to challenges and steer the development directions of Hong Kong.

“Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” (“Hong Kong 2030+”) represents our latest comprehensive strategic study built upon the foundation of our previous “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy” (“Hong Kong 2030”) promulgated in 2007.

“Hong Kong 2030+” is a strategic study to update the territorial spatial development strategy. It provides a strategic spatial planning framework for the future planning, land and infrastructure development as well as the shaping of the built and natural environment of Hong Kong beyond 2030.

Vision Vision Overarching Planning Goal Three Building Blocks Conceptual Spatial Framework Smart, Green and Resilient (SGR) City Strategy To become a liveable, competitive and sustainable “Asia’s World City” To champion sustainable development with a view to meeting our present and future social, environmental and economic needs and aspirations Three building blocks for achieving the vision and overarching planning goal Enhancing Liveability in a Compact High-Density City Embracing New Economic Opportunities and Challenges Creating Capacity for Sustainable Growth Key Strategic Directions and Actions for Building Blocks Two Metropolises Two Development Axes Promoting Sustainable Planning  & Urban Design Devising an Integrated SGR Infrastructure System Fostering Smart Mobility
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Last Revision Date : 08-10-2021